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Photobook template features

Photo Book Templates have the same structure as other templates, but there are some vital differences. The template structure is based on the [placeholder] constant.

[placeholder] – constant is used for a place where the user can upload their photos. The user would be able to upload any image, and it will be cropped by the placeholder borders. The position of the placeholder can't be changed in the Acronym editor.

There are two methods for applying placeholders: with borders and with frames.
View template with borders Download template with borders
View template with frames Download template with frames

To upload an image in the placeholder in an editor, you'll need to open the «Images» tab and press the «Upload Image» button or click on the placeholder itself and the Press «Upload Image» button.

Template with frames

Layer with an image with [placeholder] constant will become a place where the user can upload any photo. The image that the user will upload will completely replace the placeholder from the design, and its size will be equal to the placeholders.

  • Frames should not cross each other!
  • You should not use round images (the placeholder in the editor will be rectangular).

Template with borders

Template with frames includes several elements.

  • [placeholder] – name of a folder with layers [mask] and [content].
  • [mask] – name of a layer with a frame that contains any closed raster image. The frame shall be transparent in the center for the uploaded image to be visible. The layer [mask] should always be above [content] layer.
  • [content] – name of the image that will be a placeholder. It can be any raster image. After the user uploads his photo it will replace the image in the content layer.
  • path – border. It is created in the Path tab in Photoshop. Creates a border of a rectangular where the photo will be uploaded.

To create a border, follow this instruction.

  1. In a «Path» tab create a new layer and name it path_1, path_2, path_3, etc. A number of a border will help to sort them in a template. Sometimes there could be more than 8 frames, so correct names will help to prevent any problems.
  2. To create a border, use a Pen Tool. You can use a "P" hotkey to turn it on
  3. Place for dots near the corners of the placeholder image to create a rectangular. The dots shall be placed somewhere in the middle of the frame, for the frame to cover the placeholder image.
  4. Create borders for all frames in your template.
    • Lines of borders and frames should not cross each other.
    • Borders should not be rounded. To create a rectangular for a photo you need to create a closed border consisting of four dots. Any rectangular shape consisting of four dots can be a border.

Template with a dynamic spine

If the spine size changes the size of a cover changes too. If you to save the initial distance between the template border and its elements you need to use the following constants:

  • [align:topleft] – attach to the top left corner;
  • [align:left] – attach to the center on the left;
  • [align:bottomleft] – attach to the bottom left corner;
  • [align:topright] – attach to the top right corner;
  • [align:right] – attach to the center on the right;
  • [align:bottomright] – attach to the bottom right corner;

[align:topleft], [align:left] – will be layer prefixes.

Download sample template

Upload template

After you create a template you can upload it to the admin panel. Here you can find a manual for a template upload. template upload instructions.